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AASPA Blog Career Center Podcasts

American Association of School Personnel Administrators News Release U.S. Department Issues Revised FMLA Notices and Certification Forms The...

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"How to Be An Antiracist helped me to understand how the ethnic and racial divide in the educator workforce was a direct result of racist policies...

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AASPA recognizes the concerns of school personnel administrators with regards to the recent developments and spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and...

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I completed a project for my boss who was interested in seeing how we could improve our careers website. I evaluated and scored different school...

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As people around the world and in our communities come together to protest and demand the end to racial injustices, we wanted to take a moment to...

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With all the changes associated with COVID-19 and the guidelines that have been set by the CDC as well as county health departments, we recognize...

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This week the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released an updated set of documents that outline guidelines on how to begin the...

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Understandably, the sudden closure of schools has been both immeasurably difficult and confusing for students and adults alike. The first priority...

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On March 19, a friend sent me this prayer posted by the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville. It resonated deeply in my soul and intensified the social...

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How will the developments of the COVID-19 crisis affect the future of recruitment and retention in PK-12? A Brief Overview of the Landscape of...

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An HR Brand is Not Just a Logo, a Website or your Business Cards…It’s an Experience 3/31/2020 view recorded webinar view...

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Communication during this crisis has become even more critical than normal. The K-12 public education system is very much an in-person and on-site...

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