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2023 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Summit April 20-21 | Baltimore, MD

Gain valuable resources from AASPA’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Summit to help increase your knowledge of leadership, recruitment, selection and retention of diverse individuals in PK-12. This event convened professionals from across the country to share diverse perspectives and embrace cultural diversity. Cultural diversity plays a significant role in making the work environment more peaceful and inspiring.


  • Session materials/PowerPoints
  • Contact information for all presenters


  • Changing the Narrative: African American and Latinx Educator Retention  - Presented by Dr. Erikca Brown 
  • Counteracting Unconscious Bias & Fostering a Culture of Belonging  - Presented by Dr. Ami Shah
  • Equity Centered Leadership: Building Cultures of Value, Inclusion, Opportunity, Fairness & Belonging  - Presented by Kevin Walton, Sr. 
  • Cultivating Synergy: Laying the Foundation for DEI Change Agency - Presented by Dr. Jada Waters
  •  What’s Your DEI Call to Action? - Presented by Dr. Monica Green & Bess Sullivan Scott


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                                                        Please note: This purchase is for materials and recordings ONLY. This does not include registration to the event.                                                                                       You must be logged into your member profile to receive member pricing. No refunds or exceptions.                                                                    To join AASPA at an upcoming event, please visit
Non-Member Price: $200
Member Price: $150