Meeting the Needs of Diverse Stakeholders in Student Teacher Placements
Event Details
Transparency & Voice: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Stakeholders in Student Teacher Placements
September 7, 2023 | 11:00am - 12:00pm CST
Dr. Aleka Calsoyas, CEO & Co-Founder of Torace will be presenting.
This webinar will provide a high-level summary of our research on clinical placements, our conclusions, and recommendations to strengthen partnerships between districts and EPP partners to improve experiences and outcomes for all stakeholders. We will also provide links to resources we have created based on this work tailored separately for districts and EPPs.
For More Information:
Overland Park, Kansas 66213
United States 913.327.1222
AASPA Webinars are provided Free to Members and available to Non-Members for $25 (unless sponsored).
*Non-Member Webinar Policy: No refunds will be issued for cancellation, or failure to attend a webinar. By submitting registration to a webinar you are assuming responsibility to pay the $25 invoice. If you are unable to attend the webinar, a recording and associated document and power points will be provided following the event.